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How long are EMDR Retreats/Intensives?Intensives are usually 1-2 full days or up to 3 half days with dedicated space in between days to allow for integration. However, everyone's experiences and needs may vary. Depending upon your level of motivation or scheduling needs, a large amount of EMDR therapy can be effectively compressed into a shorter period of time. A half-day intensive offers a multitude of resources and can help to either increase performance and confidence, or significantly decrease the devastating effects of single event trauma (e.g. negative cognitions, disturbing emotions and body sensations). While significant healing can occur in one half-day intensive, Complex PTSD deserves more treatment than one half-day intensive. Many of my clients experiencing Complex PTSD may continue to work on their trauma histories through monthly, bi-monthly, or quarterly half-day intensives. When you are engaging in EMDR therapy, you do not need to necessarily go out and practice a skill. When done intensively, individuals report a sense of well being sooner, more freedom from the past and a decrease in the symptoms that bring them into therapy.
Why an EMDR Intensive?EMDR therapy, rather than focusing on changing the emotions, thoughts, or behaviors resulting from the distressing issue, allows the brain to resume its natural healing process. EMDR therapy is designed to resolve unprocessed traumatic memories in the brain. When EMDR is done intensely, clients are able to find more freedom and presence from the past. After your session it is recommended that you be free from distraction. This will allow you time to relax, process the training and spend time allowing for integration of your EMDR session. Sessions take place in the Mariposa Healing Center Office located in Denver, Colorado. Traveling clients are responsible for their own airfare and accommodations. Locations, rates, and suggestions for convenient accommodations may be provided upon request.
How do I sign up for an Intensive Retreat?Contact Susanne here.
Why an intensive instead of a normal 60-minute psychotherapy session?EMDR intensives allow the opportunity to progress through your symptoms in a more succinct and focused way without the interruption of a 60-minute session. An intensive format may decrease overall treatment time because of time not spent on: a) checking in at the beginning of each session, b) addressing current crises and concerns, c) focusing on stabilizing and coping skills that the client won’t need after healing, or d) assisting the client in regaining composure at the end of the session.
If I’m already a weekly client, can I participate in an EMDR intensive?"Yes. EMDR intensives for current clients are available in modified formats and pricing.
If I already have a primary therapist, can I do an EMDR intensive as ADJUNCT therapy?"Yes. Perhaps you’ve a felt sense that something profound has yet to change, but you’re not quite sure how to shift all the way into a new experience of yourself with your current therapist. Maybe you now cognitively understand new things, yet your body is still confused, so you’re curious about how adjunct EMDR intensive therapy can help. We will identify what format is best for you during your initial consultation.
What can I expect to accomplish in a 3-day weekday or weekend intensive?Participating in a 3-day (weekday or weekend) EMDR intensive may create impactful change more efficiently than just weekly, 60-minute sessions or even one half-day intensive. We will identify what format is best for you during your initial consultation.
Can my insurance help pay for this program?Yes. Many insurance companies reimburse a significant portion of the cost of psychotherapy. For insurance purposes, I am considered an out-of-network provider. It's best to determine the exact details of your policy ahead of time, including what benefits are available regarding out-of-network providers and if your insurance will reimburse several hours of therapy in one day or one week. I will provide you with a Superbill for all direct contact therapy services included in the program.
What is the research in support of EMDR Retreats?EMDR 5 Day Intensive Research 2018 EMDR Intensies for Severe PTSD Research EMDR Intensives for Borderline DX Research EMDR Intensives with Veterans PTSD Research 2018 EMDR Intensives Case Series Research 2017
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